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Gonads include ovary and testes.
1.                  Ovary
Ovary secretes many hormones. Here we will discuss only estrogens.
Ripening follicles secrete estrogen hormone. From pituitary gland, FSH initiates the development of follicles.

Image result for ovary structure

Function of the estrogen
·         Development of the secondary sexual characters in the females is brought about by estrogen.
·         It also causes thickening of the uterine wall.
·         It exerts a positive feedback, at a point during a menstrual cycle which result in sharp rise of LH output.
·         After menstruation, they help in repairing and healing of uterine.
·         Some of the cells of uterine become glandular under the influence of estrogen due to which proteinacious secretion are secreted.
·         During early stages of development, these secretions are taken up by the embryo.
·         Sexuality maturance fails in the young due to the deficiency of the sex hormone
·         Its deficiency also cause sterility in the adults.
2.                  Testes
Many coiled seminiferous tubules are present in the testes where spermatozoa are developed. Regions of interstitial cells are produced between the tubules. Gonadal hormones are called 17 β-hydroxytestosterone and testosterone.
Functions of testosterone
·         The sex hormones in the foteus produce this hormone after the initiation of the development.
·         Until puberty, their level increase steadily.
·         The level of testosterone remains constant after puberty.
·         The development of the sex organs is initiated by this hormone in the foteus.
·         The development of the male secondary characteristics is brought by this hormone during puberty.
·         It also promotes sex drive.
·         The castrated males are not able to develop secondary sexual characteristics and their body tends more towards the immature female.

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