Fossorial animals
Those animals that make burrows in land and live in them are called fossorial animals.
Examples of these animals; -
· Earthworm
· Mole
· Salamander
· Badger
· Rabbit

Cursorial animals
Those animals which are fast moving are called cursorial animals.
Examples of these animals; -
· Humans
· Deer
· Zebra
· Tiger
Scanorial animals
Those animals which show climbing and crawling on land are called scanorial animals.
Example of these animals are; -
· Lizard
· Geckos
· Marbuia
Arboreal animals
These are the organisms which live slightly above the ground level are called arboreal animals.
Examples of these animals; -
· Monkey
· Squirrel
· Bird
Aerials animals
· It is the subtype of arboreal animals.
· They live in air for long duration of time.
· Birds
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