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Animal diversity
The actual place where an organism lives is called habitat.
There are two types of habitat:-
Ø Aquatic habitat
Ø Terrestrial habitat
Here we will only discuss aquatic habitat.
Aquatic habitat
There are three types of aquatic habitat
1. Surface water
a. Neuston
The organisms which live on the thin film of water due to surface tension are called surface water organisms.
Beetle, water strider, snails

b. Plankton
The microscopic drifting organisms found on or inside the surface water are called plankton.

There are two further types of plankton
· Zooplankton
Example; copepod

· Phytoplankton
Example; cyanobacteria

2. Middle Water
· The organisms found in the middle of water are called middle water animals.
· They are also called nektons
Examples; fishes, squid and prawns.

3. Benthic/Water Bed
· The organisms that are found in deep water.
· Example; crabs, sponges, star fish


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