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Islet of Langerhans (Pancreas)
· It is present across the back of abdomen, behind the stomach.
· This is the gland which is under the control of pituitary trophic hormones STH and ACTH.
· Level of blood glucose also control its secretion.
· Small part of this gland contains large number of α-cells which secretes glucagon hormone.
· Some part of this gland contains small number of β-cells which secretes insulin hormone.

There are many ways through which blood glucose level is depressed by insulin.
· It includes glycogen syntheses.
· It also includes increasing of glucose utilization in the cell.
· Insulin also stimulates the production of lipids and protein from glucose.
· In the liver and muscles, hydrolysis of glycogen is inhibited by insulin.

Abnormalities related with insulin
Diabetes mellitus is the disease in which blood glucose level is increased, and this is only because of inhibition of insulin.
· High level of blood sugar.
· High sugar in the urine.
· Disturbance of the body’s osmotic equilibrium.
· Derangement of the nervous system.
· Body become dehydrated.
· Due to the excess production of insulin, utilization of sugar is very high and as a result blood glucose level decrease and leads to hypoglycemia which is antagonistic to diabetes.
· Its function is antagonistic to the insulin.
· It increases blood glucose level.
· Breakdown of glycogen to glucose is promoted by this hormone especially in the liver and the muscles.
· Breakdown of fats is also increased by this hormone.
Abnormalities related with glucagon
· Tumors are formed on the surface of α-cells, which cause excess secretion of glucagon and as a result blood glucose level increases.


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