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Parathyroid gland
·         These are the glands that are found at the lateral lobe of thyroid gland in the posterior side.
Its Hormone
·         This gland secretes a hormone called parathormone hormone.
Action of this Hormone
·         Low level of calcium ions in the blood stimulate this gland to secretes the parathormone in excess.
·         If blood calcium ions level is high then secretion of this hormone is inhibited.
Under Activity of this Hormone
·         Blood calcium level is decreased down due to its less secretion.
·         As a result, muscular tetany occurs.
Over Activity of Hormone
·         Due to its excess secretion, deficiency of minerals occurs in bones.
·         Cause a kidney stone.
·         Both these conditions are fatal.

                                            Image result for parathyroid gland location

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