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These are most important and most prominent part of the cell, also called as the brain of cell.

  • these are only visible in non dividing cells.
  • in animal cell they are central in position with exception of skeletal muscle fubre.
  • in plant cell, they are pushed to peri phery due to presence of large vacuole.
  • they may be irregular or spherical in shape.
  • a cell containing single nucleus is called "mononucleate" two as "binucleate" and with more then two as "multinucleate".
Nucleus is composed of nuclear membrane, nucleoli, nucleoplasm and chromosomes.
 Nuclear membrane:

  • Nuclear membrane also called as nuclear envelop seperates the nuclear material from the          cytoplasm.
  • It is a doble layered structure. outer layer continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum and the inner ine encloses the nuclear contents.
  • These membrane have same structure as per fluid mosaic model.
Nuclear pores:
  • nuclear pores results from the fusion of outer and inner membranes. they are composed of speciallized transport proteins called nucleoprotiens.
  • they act as a gateway for the exchange of materials with the cytoplasm.
  • their number is variable depending upon the differentiation of the cell i.e. undifferentiated cell like eggs have 30,000 pores per nucleus while erythrocytes well differentiated cells have 3 to 4 cells per nucleus.
  • it is transparent semifluid ground substance.
  • it contains DNA, RNA and enzymes.
  • nucleolus is non membranous, darkly stained body within the nucleus.
  • nucleoli may be one or more.
  • they appear during interphase and disappear during cell division. RNA is synthesized and stored in it.
  • nucleolus is composed of two regions. peripheral granular area containing precursors for ribosomal subunits and central fibril area containing RNA and DNA.
  • it the factory for ribosome synthesis.
Chromosome and Chromatin:
  • each chromosome is a thread like structure resulting from the organization of chromatin material during cell division.
  • chemically chromosomes are composed of DNA and PROTEINS.
  • under microscope  they appear to be made of arms and a centromere, the place where spindle fibres are attached during cell division.
  • centromere is the place on the chromosome and kinetochore is a place on centromere where spindle fibres are attached during cell division.
  • nucleus is the brain of cell.
  • it controls all the metabolic activities of cell.
  • it has all the genetic information in a cell.
  • nucleus plays an important role in inheritance.
Number of chromosomes in different species.
  • man has 46 chromosomes.
  • chimpanzee has 48.
  • onion has 16.
  • garden pea has 14.
  • frog has 26.
  • drosophila has 8.
  • potato has 48.
  • pigeon has 80.

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