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The main components of human endoskeleton
Human endoskeleton is made up of two types of connective tissues; -
· Bone
· Cartilage
· It is a type of most rigid connective tissue which consists of living cells.
· These living cells are embedded in the thick matrix of collagen.
· The deposition of calcium phosphate cause hardening of collagen fiber of bones.
Following are the two parts of bones; -
Compact bone
· It is the hard outer covering of bone.
· There are no blood vessels present in it.
· As it is dense and hard so it is an attachment site for muscles.
Spongy bone
· It is present at inner side of bone.
· It is light and highly porous.
· It contains blood vessels.
· The bone marrow is present inside the cavity of spongy bone where blood cells are formed.

Bones are made up of three types of cells; -
These are bone forming cells.

These are mature bone cells.
These are bone dissolving cells.

· It is soft connective tissue.
· It is formed at the end of bones where joints are present.
· It supports the soft and flexible parts like nose and external pinnae.
· The mature and living cells of cartilage are called chondrocytes.
· Chondrocytes are surrounded by flexible, non-living matrix, that is secreted by cells.
· Blood vessels cannot penetrate into cartilage.
Following are two main types of cartilage; -
Hyaline cartilage
· It is presents at the joints which are moveable.
· It is the amplest type of cartilage that is present in human body.

Elastic cartilage
· It forms soft and flexible parts of body.
· It forms nose, external pinnae and epiglottis.

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