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As you know in last section, we disccussed about cell which is the basic component of life. We also come to know about eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell. A eukaryotic cell is made up of
cell membrane: 
Cell membrane is the outermost boundary of animal cell and is covered by cell wall in a plant cell.
Plasma membrane is about 7nm thick.
Cell membrane or plasma membrane is composed of
·         Proteins (60-80 %)
·         Lipids (20-40%)
·         Small amount of carbohydrates in the form of glycolipids or glycoproteins.
It has two models as proposed
       Unit membrane model
·               Fluid mosaic model
Unit membrane model:
This model was presented by J. David Robertson in 1959
 According to this model,
Cell membrane is composed of lipid bilayer sandwiched between inner and outer layer of proteins”
Fluid mosaic model:
This model was proposed by S.J. Singer and Nicholsen in 1972.
According to this model,
"Protein layers are not continuous and are not confined to the surface of membrane but are embedded in lipid layers in a mosaic manner,”
·         This model is the most accepted one.
Role of different molecules:
·         Phospholipid
Form lipid bilayer
·         Cholesterol
It helps to stabilize the lipid bilayer.
·         Channel proteins 
Allow a particular molecule or ion to pass through the plasma membrane freely.
·         Carrier proteins
They selectively interact with a specific molecule or ion so that it can cross the cell membrane.
·         Glycoproteins  and glycolipids
These are found on the cell surface and help in recognition.
Transport mechanism across cell membrane:
Cell membrane is a differentially permeable or selectively permeable membrane, allowing only the selective substances to pass through it.
·         Lipid soluble substances pass the cell membrane easily.
·         Many small gas molecules, water glucose being neutral can cross easily.
·         Ions being charged particles have some difficulty in crossing.
Some other function of cell membrane:
In neurons, the cell membrane transmits nerve impulse from one part of body to the other to keep coordination. too many organelles. but three are most basic and important termed as

  • cell membrane
  • cytoplasm 
  • nucleus
today we will learn about cell membrane, how it works and what is its structure.
cell membrane: 

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